I used to read all of documentations and blogs on Oracle Application Server 10g installation.
Out of all I fond best for the installation of Oracle Application Server are follows:
1) Installing Oracle 10g Application Server On Linux
This Includes:
-> Pre-installation Tasks
-> Installing the Oracle Application Server 10g Infrastructure
-> Installing the Oracle Application Server 10g Mid Tier (J2EE and Web Cache)
-> Installing the Oracle BPEL Process Manager 10g
-> Installing the Oracle Application Server Toplink 10g
-> Installing the Oracle Application Server 10g Business Intelligence and Forms
-> Installing the Oracle Application Server 10g Portal and Wireless
2) Installing Oracle 10g Application Server on SLES9
I hope these links will help all my friends who want to install Oracle Application server.
Oct 13, 2006
Few Important Oracle Queries
I found the one more excellent query which can help the oracle dba in doing performance tuning.
--> Find the Large Table Scans:
SELECT table_owner,
executions * reference_count total_scans
FROM (SELECT a.object_owner table_owner,
a.object_name table_name,
b.segment_type table_type,
b.bytes / 1024 size_kb,
SUM(c.executions ) executions,
COUNT( DISTINCT a.hash_value ) statement_count,
COUNT( * ) reference_count
FROM sys.v_$sql_plan a,
sys.dba_segments b,
sys.v_$sql c
WHERE a.object_owner (+) = b.owner
AND a.object_name (+) = b.segment_name
AND b.segment_type IN ('TABLE', 'TABLE PARTITION')
AND a.operation LIKE '%TABLE%'
AND a.options = 'FULL'
AND a.hash_value = c.hash_value
AND b.bytes / 1024 > 1024
GROUP BY a.object_owner, a.object_name, a.operation, b.bytes /
1024, b.segment_type
ORDER BY 4 DESC, 1, 2 )
--> Full Table Scans:
select ss.username||'('||se.sid||') ' "USER_PROCESS",
sum(decode(name,'table scans (short tables)',value)) "SHORT_SCANS",
sum(decode(name,'table scans (long tables)', value)) "LONG_SCANS",
sum(decode(name,'table scan rows gotten',value)) "ROWS_RETRIEVED"
from v$session ss, v$sesstat se, v$statname sn
where se.statistic# = sn.statistic#
and (name like '%table scans (short tables)%'
OR name like '%table scans (long tables)%'
OR name like '%table scan rows gotten%' )
and se.sid = ss.sid
and ss.username is not null
group by ss.username||'('||se.sid||') ';
--> Top 10 Sessions by Physical Reads:
select distinct c.osuser,c.username,c.sid, b.name, a.value
from v$sesstat a,
v$statname b,
v$session c
where a.statistic# = b.statistic#
and a.sid = c.sid
and nvl(a.value,0) > 0
and c.username not in ('SYS','SYSTEM')
and b.name = 'physical reads'
and c.type <> 'BACKGROUND'
and rownum <= 10
order by a.value desc;
--> Top 10 Sessions by Physical Writes:
select distinct c.osuser,c.username,c.sid, b.name, a.value
from v$sesstat a,
v$statname b,
v$session c
where a.statistic# = b.statistic#
and a.sid = c.sid
and nvl(a.value,0) > 0
and c.username not in ('SYS','SYSTEM')
and b.name = 'physical writes'
and c.type <> 'BACKGROUND'
and rownum <= 10
order by a.value desc;
a.BYTES bytes_used,
b.BYTES bytes_free,
round(((a.BYTES-b.BYTES)/a.BYTES)*100,2) percent_used
from dba_data_files
max(BYTES) largest
from dba_free_space
order by ((a.BYTES-b.BYTES)/a.BYTES) desc
Based on the few of these queries who can plan according and do the performance tuning.
--> Find the Large Table Scans:
SELECT table_owner,
executions * reference_count total_scans
FROM (SELECT a.object_owner table_owner,
a.object_name table_name,
b.segment_type table_type,
b.bytes / 1024 size_kb,
SUM(c.executions ) executions,
COUNT( DISTINCT a.hash_value ) statement_count,
COUNT( * ) reference_count
FROM sys.v_$sql_plan a,
sys.dba_segments b,
sys.v_$sql c
WHERE a.object_owner (+) = b.owner
AND a.object_name (+) = b.segment_name
AND b.segment_type IN ('TABLE', 'TABLE PARTITION')
AND a.operation LIKE '%TABLE%'
AND a.options = 'FULL'
AND a.hash_value = c.hash_value
AND b.bytes / 1024 > 1024
GROUP BY a.object_owner, a.object_name, a.operation, b.bytes /
1024, b.segment_type
ORDER BY 4 DESC, 1, 2 )
--> Full Table Scans:
select ss.username||'('||se.sid||') ' "USER_PROCESS",
sum(decode(name,'table scans (short tables)',value)) "SHORT_SCANS",
sum(decode(name,'table scans (long tables)', value)) "LONG_SCANS",
sum(decode(name,'table scan rows gotten',value)) "ROWS_RETRIEVED"
from v$session ss, v$sesstat se, v$statname sn
where se.statistic# = sn.statistic#
and (name like '%table scans (short tables)%'
OR name like '%table scans (long tables)%'
OR name like '%table scan rows gotten%' )
and se.sid = ss.sid
and ss.username is not null
group by ss.username||'('||se.sid||') ';
--> Top 10 Sessions by Physical Reads:
select distinct c.osuser,c.username,c.sid, b.name, a.value
from v$sesstat a,
v$statname b,
v$session c
where a.statistic# = b.statistic#
and a.sid = c.sid
and nvl(a.value,0) > 0
and c.username not in ('SYS','SYSTEM')
and b.name = 'physical reads'
and c.type <> 'BACKGROUND'
and rownum <= 10
order by a.value desc;
--> Top 10 Sessions by Physical Writes:
select distinct c.osuser,c.username,c.sid, b.name, a.value
from v$sesstat a,
v$statname b,
v$session c
where a.statistic# = b.statistic#
and a.sid = c.sid
and nvl(a.value,0) > 0
and c.username not in ('SYS','SYSTEM')
and b.name = 'physical writes'
and c.type <> 'BACKGROUND'
and rownum <= 10
order by a.value desc;
a.BYTES bytes_used,
b.BYTES bytes_free,
round(((a.BYTES-b.BYTES)/a.BYTES)*100,2) percent_used
from dba_data_files
max(BYTES) largest
from dba_free_space
order by ((a.BYTES-b.BYTES)/a.BYTES) desc
Based on the few of these queries who can plan according and do the performance tuning.
Oct 11, 2006
Oracle Performance Tuning Tips
--> Tuning Multi-Threaded Server
If SERVERS_HIGHWATER exceeds the MTS_SERVERS parameter, increase the number of
MTS_SERVERS in the init&SID.ora file.
set heading off
select 'Current MTS_SERVERS number is ' || value from v$parameter where name = 'mts_servers';
set heading on
select * from v$mts;
--> Tuning The Library Cache
Library cache get/hit ratio for SQL AREA should be in high 90's. If not, there
is room to improve the efficiency of your application.
select namespace, gets, gethits, gethitratio from v$librarycache;
--> Reloads-to-pins ratio
If reloads-to-pins ratio is greater than .01, increase SHARED_POOL_SIZE in the init&SID.ora file.
set heading off
select 'Current SHARED_POOL_SIZE value is ' || value from v$parameter where name = 'shared_pool_size';
set heading on
select sum(pins) "Executions", sum(reloads) "LC Misses",
sum(reloads)/sum(pins) "Ratio" from v$librarycache;
--> Data Dictionary Cache
If ratio is greater than .15, consider increasing prompt SHARED_POOL_SIZE in the init&SID.ora file.
set heading off
select 'Current SHARED_POOL_SIZE value is ' || value from v$parameter where name = 'shared_pool_size';
set heading on
select sum(gets) "Total Gets", sum(getmisses) "Total Get Misses",
sum(getmisses)/sum(gets) "Ratio" from v$rowcache;
--> Packages you might want to consider pinning into the shared pool
column owner format a12
column name format a25
column type format a15
set feedback on
select owner, name, type, loads, executions, sharable_mem
from v$db_object_cache
where kept = 'NO'
and loads > 1 and executions > 50 and sharable_mem > 10000
order by loads desc;
--> Shared Pool Reserved space
The goal is to have zero REQUEST_MISSES and REQUEST_FAILURES, so increase SHARED_POOL_RESERVED_SIZE in the init&SID.ora file.
If either of them are greater than 0.
set heading off
select 'Current SHARED_POOL_RESERVED_SIZE value is ' || value from v$parameter where name = 'shared_pool_reserved_size';
set heading on
select request_misses, request_failures, last_failure_size
from v$shared_pool_reserved;
--> Tuning the Data Dictionary Cache
If the gethitratio is greater than .15 -- increase the SHARED_POOL_SIZE parameter in the init&SID.ora file.
set heading off
select 'Current SHARED_POOL_SIZE value is ' || value from v$parameter where name = 'shared_pool_size';
set heading on
select sum(gets) "total_gets", sum(getmisses) "total_get_misses",
sum(getmisses)/sum(gets) * 100 "gethitratio"
from v$rowcache;
--> Tuning The Data Buffer Cache
Goal is to have a Cache Hit Ratio greater than 90% -- if lower, increase value for DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS in the init&SID.ora file.
set heading off
select 'Current DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS value is ' || value from v$parameter where name = 'db_block_buffers';
set heading on
select name, value from v$sysstat where
name in ('db block gets', 'consistent gets', 'physical reads');
select 1 - (phy.value / (cur.value + con.value)) "Cache Hit Ratio"
from v$sysstat cur, v$sysstat con, v$sysstat phy
where cur.name = 'db block gets'
and con.name = 'consistent gets'
and phy.name = 'physical reads';
--> If the number of free buffers inspected is high or increasing, consider increasing the DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS parameter in the init&SID.ora file.
set heading off
select 'Current DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS value is ' || value from v$parameter where name = 'db_block_buffers';
set heading on
select name, value from v$sysstat where name = 'free buffer inspected';
--> A high or increasing number of waits indicates that the db writer cannot keep up writing dirty buffers. Consider increasing the number of writers using the DB_WRITER_PROCESSES parameter in the init&SID.ora file.
set heading off
select 'Current DB_WRITER_PROCESSES value is ' || value from v$parameter where name = 'db_writer_processes';
set heading on
select event, total_waits from v$system_event where event in
('free buffer waits', 'buffer busy waits');
--> LRU Hit percentage
If the LRU Hit percentage is less than 99%, consider adding more DB_WRITER_PROCESSES and increasing the DB_BLOCK_LRU_LATCHES parameter in the init&SID.ora file.
set heading off
select 'Current DB_WRITER_PROCESSES value is ' || v1.value || chr(10) ||
'Current DB_BLOCK_LRU_LATCHES value is ' || v2.value
from v$parameter v1,v$parameter v2
where v1.name = 'db_writer_processes' and v2.name = 'db_block_lru_latches';
set heading on
select name, 100 - (sleeps/gets * 100) "LRU Hit%" from v$latch
where name = 'cache buffers lru chain';
--> Tuning The Redo Log Buffer
There should never be a wait for log buffer space. Increase LOG_BUFFER in the init&SID.ora file if the selection below doesn't show "no rows selected".
set heading off
select 'Current LOG_BUFFER size is ' || value from v$parameter where name = 'log_buffer';
set heading on
set feedback on
select sid, event, state from v$session_wait
where event = 'log buffer space';
--> Tables with Chain count greater than 10% of the number of rows
set feedback on
select owner, table_name, num_rows, chain_cnt, chain_cnt/num_rows "Percent"
from dba_tables where (chain_cnt/num_rows) > .1 and num_rows > 0;
--> Tuning Sorts
The ratio of disk sorts to memory sorts should be less than 5%. Consider increasing the SORT_AREA_SIZE parameter in the init&SID.ora file. You might also consider setting up separate temp tablespaces for frequent users of disk sorts.
set heading off
select 'Current SORT_AREA_SIZE value is ' || value from v$parameter where name = 'sort_area_size';
set heading on
select disk.value "Disk", mem.value "Mem", (disk.value/mem.value) * 100 "Ratio"
from v$sysstat mem, v$sysstat disk
where mem.name = 'sorts (memory)'
and disk.name = 'sorts (disk)';
--> Tuning Rollback segments
If ratio of waits to gets is greater than 1%, you need more rbs segments.
set heading off
select 'Current number of rollback segments is ' || count(*) from dba_rollback_segs
where status = 'ONLINE' and owner = 'PUBLIC';
set heading on
select sum(waits)*100/sum(gets) "Ratio", sum(waits) "Waits", sum(gets) "Gets"
from v$rollstat;
--> Rollback segment waits
Any waits indicates need for more segments.
set heading off
select 'Current number of rollback segments is ' || count(*) from dba_rollback_segs
where status = 'ONLINE' and owner = 'PUBLIC';
set heading on
select * from v$waitstat where class = 'undo header';
--> Rollback segment waits for transaction slots
Any waits indicates need for more segments.
set heading off
select 'Current number of rollback segments is ' || count(*) from dba_rollback_segs
where status = 'ONLINE' and owner = 'PUBLIC';
set heading on
set feedback on
select * from v$system_event where event = 'undo segment tx slot';
--> Rollback contention
Should be zero for all rbs's.
column name format a10
select n.name,round (100 * s.waits/s.gets) "%contention"
from v$rollname n, v$rollstat s
where n.usn = s.usn;
Purpose: List locks on tables and other objects currently held by user sessions, including session information and commands to kill those sessions.
column object_name format a10
column username format a10
column owner format a10
select username,v$session.sid,serial#,owner,object_id,object_name,
from dba_objects,v$lock,v$session where object_id = v$lock.id1
and v$lock.sid = v$session.sid and owner != 'SYS';
set heading off pagesize 0
!echo To kill locking sessions:
select 'alter system kill session ''' || v$session.sid || ',' ||
serial# || ''';'
from dba_objects,v$lock,v$session where object_id = v$lock.id1
and v$lock.sid = v$session.sid and owner != 'SYS';
--> Tuning Multi-Threaded Server
If SERVERS_HIGHWATER exceeds the MTS_SERVERS parameter, increase the number of
MTS_SERVERS in the init&SID.ora file.
set heading off
select 'Current MTS_SERVERS number is ' || value from v$parameter where name = 'mts_servers';
set heading on
select * from v$mts;
--> Tuning The Library Cache
Library cache get/hit ratio for SQL AREA should be in high 90's. If not, there
is room to improve the efficiency of your application.
select namespace, gets, gethits, gethitratio from v$librarycache;
--> Reloads-to-pins ratio
If reloads-to-pins ratio is greater than .01, increase SHARED_POOL_SIZE in the init&SID.ora file.
set heading off
select 'Current SHARED_POOL_SIZE value is ' || value from v$parameter where name = 'shared_pool_size';
set heading on
select sum(pins) "Executions", sum(reloads) "LC Misses",
sum(reloads)/sum(pins) "Ratio" from v$librarycache;
--> Data Dictionary Cache
If ratio is greater than .15, consider increasing prompt SHARED_POOL_SIZE in the init&SID.ora file.
set heading off
select 'Current SHARED_POOL_SIZE value is ' || value from v$parameter where name = 'shared_pool_size';
set heading on
select sum(gets) "Total Gets", sum(getmisses) "Total Get Misses",
sum(getmisses)/sum(gets) "Ratio" from v$rowcache;
--> Packages you might want to consider pinning into the shared pool
column owner format a12
column name format a25
column type format a15
set feedback on
select owner, name, type, loads, executions, sharable_mem
from v$db_object_cache
where kept = 'NO'
and loads > 1 and executions > 50 and sharable_mem > 10000
order by loads desc;
--> Shared Pool Reserved space
The goal is to have zero REQUEST_MISSES and REQUEST_FAILURES, so increase SHARED_POOL_RESERVED_SIZE in the init&SID.ora file.
If either of them are greater than 0.
set heading off
select 'Current SHARED_POOL_RESERVED_SIZE value is ' || value from v$parameter where name = 'shared_pool_reserved_size';
set heading on
select request_misses, request_failures, last_failure_size
from v$shared_pool_reserved;
--> Tuning the Data Dictionary Cache
If the gethitratio is greater than .15 -- increase the SHARED_POOL_SIZE parameter in the init&SID.ora file.
set heading off
select 'Current SHARED_POOL_SIZE value is ' || value from v$parameter where name = 'shared_pool_size';
set heading on
select sum(gets) "total_gets", sum(getmisses) "total_get_misses",
sum(getmisses)/sum(gets) * 100 "gethitratio"
from v$rowcache;
--> Tuning The Data Buffer Cache
Goal is to have a Cache Hit Ratio greater than 90% -- if lower, increase value for DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS in the init&SID.ora file.
set heading off
select 'Current DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS value is ' || value from v$parameter where name = 'db_block_buffers';
set heading on
select name, value from v$sysstat where
name in ('db block gets', 'consistent gets', 'physical reads');
select 1 - (phy.value / (cur.value + con.value)) "Cache Hit Ratio"
from v$sysstat cur, v$sysstat con, v$sysstat phy
where cur.name = 'db block gets'
and con.name = 'consistent gets'
and phy.name = 'physical reads';
--> If the number of free buffers inspected is high or increasing, consider increasing the DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS parameter in the init&SID.ora file.
set heading off
select 'Current DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS value is ' || value from v$parameter where name = 'db_block_buffers';
set heading on
select name, value from v$sysstat where name = 'free buffer inspected';
--> A high or increasing number of waits indicates that the db writer cannot keep up writing dirty buffers. Consider increasing the number of writers using the DB_WRITER_PROCESSES parameter in the init&SID.ora file.
set heading off
select 'Current DB_WRITER_PROCESSES value is ' || value from v$parameter where name = 'db_writer_processes';
set heading on
select event, total_waits from v$system_event where event in
('free buffer waits', 'buffer busy waits');
--> LRU Hit percentage
If the LRU Hit percentage is less than 99%, consider adding more DB_WRITER_PROCESSES and increasing the DB_BLOCK_LRU_LATCHES parameter in the init&SID.ora file.
set heading off
select 'Current DB_WRITER_PROCESSES value is ' || v1.value || chr(10) ||
'Current DB_BLOCK_LRU_LATCHES value is ' || v2.value
from v$parameter v1,v$parameter v2
where v1.name = 'db_writer_processes' and v2.name = 'db_block_lru_latches';
set heading on
select name, 100 - (sleeps/gets * 100) "LRU Hit%" from v$latch
where name = 'cache buffers lru chain';
--> Tuning The Redo Log Buffer
There should never be a wait for log buffer space. Increase LOG_BUFFER in the init&SID.ora file if the selection below doesn't show "no rows selected".
set heading off
select 'Current LOG_BUFFER size is ' || value from v$parameter where name = 'log_buffer';
set heading on
set feedback on
select sid, event, state from v$session_wait
where event = 'log buffer space';
--> Tables with Chain count greater than 10% of the number of rows
set feedback on
select owner, table_name, num_rows, chain_cnt, chain_cnt/num_rows "Percent"
from dba_tables where (chain_cnt/num_rows) > .1 and num_rows > 0;
--> Tuning Sorts
The ratio of disk sorts to memory sorts should be less than 5%. Consider increasing the SORT_AREA_SIZE parameter in the init&SID.ora file. You might also consider setting up separate temp tablespaces for frequent users of disk sorts.
set heading off
select 'Current SORT_AREA_SIZE value is ' || value from v$parameter where name = 'sort_area_size';
set heading on
select disk.value "Disk", mem.value "Mem", (disk.value/mem.value) * 100 "Ratio"
from v$sysstat mem, v$sysstat disk
where mem.name = 'sorts (memory)'
and disk.name = 'sorts (disk)';
--> Tuning Rollback segments
If ratio of waits to gets is greater than 1%, you need more rbs segments.
set heading off
select 'Current number of rollback segments is ' || count(*) from dba_rollback_segs
where status = 'ONLINE' and owner = 'PUBLIC';
set heading on
select sum(waits)*100/sum(gets) "Ratio", sum(waits) "Waits", sum(gets) "Gets"
from v$rollstat;
--> Rollback segment waits
Any waits indicates need for more segments.
set heading off
select 'Current number of rollback segments is ' || count(*) from dba_rollback_segs
where status = 'ONLINE' and owner = 'PUBLIC';
set heading on
select * from v$waitstat where class = 'undo header';
--> Rollback segment waits for transaction slots
Any waits indicates need for more segments.
set heading off
select 'Current number of rollback segments is ' || count(*) from dba_rollback_segs
where status = 'ONLINE' and owner = 'PUBLIC';
set heading on
set feedback on
select * from v$system_event where event = 'undo segment tx slot';
--> Rollback contention
Should be zero for all rbs's.
column name format a10
select n.name,round (100 * s.waits/s.gets) "%contention"
from v$rollname n, v$rollstat s
where n.usn = s.usn;
Purpose: List locks on tables and other objects currently held by user sessions, including session information and commands to kill those sessions.
column object_name format a10
column username format a10
column owner format a10
select username,v$session.sid,serial#,owner,object_id,object_name,
from dba_objects,v$lock,v$session where object_id = v$lock.id1
and v$lock.sid = v$session.sid and owner != 'SYS';
set heading off pagesize 0
!echo To kill locking sessions:
select 'alter system kill session ''' || v$session.sid || ',' ||
serial# || ''';'
from dba_objects,v$lock,v$session where object_id = v$lock.id1
and v$lock.sid = v$session.sid and owner != 'SYS';
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